Monday, April 20, 2009

Bloggers Habits

Link Thy Neighbour
Just as love increases by loving others, a smile proliferates as you pass your cute smile to others, blogs blossom by linking it to other relevant blogs. And yes, just as true love and sincere smile is the key for its perpetuation, linking follows the same rule. It requires just a click to judge the genuineness of a link. As you sow so shall you reap.

Positive Association
An eagles egg hatched in a chickens nest will dare not think of gliding on the ferocious turbulence of breeze, miles up the green grounds. Positive environment boosts productivity. Associate yourselves with active bloggers. In the era of social networking and @twitter it cannot be easier.

The "Blog and Grow Rich" fever is prevalent in all the arteries which have shuttling RBCs in them. Survival of a blogger depends on the amount of concentration he pays on the subject and its intricacies. A magnifying glass is able to set the paper ablaze only if it is adjusted to concentrate the rays to its maximum. Greater the concentration, faster the results.

Continuing Education Program
Be a student, while you blog. Every blogger does not have a technological background. Even if a home maker wants to blog, may be about recepies, she will have to brush up with the knowledge of posts, feeds, backlinks, trackbacks, retweets, photohosting, Adsense, scripts, and many such things. A little knowledge of HTML and CSS can dramatically improve the posts and its layouts even on the free platforms like blogger.


Set Goals
Set up a realistic and practical goal for your blog in terms of finite identifiable numbers. It is fruitful to say that you will write 2 posts per week, you want 20% increase in the conversions, and 30% increase in blog traffic by the end of say April 2009. It is futile to say that you will be writing hundreds of posts and you will be getting thousands of conversions and millions of hits this week. These are unrealistic, undefined impractical goals.

Get Into Action
Write the post, revise it, give meaningful related tags and revise it again and post it. Ping the search engines with appropriate services like pingomatic. Click and preview your links to avoid dead links. Announce your post on twitter and mailing lists if you have any. Take some time off around 9-12 minutes to read related posts on others blogs and write sincere comments. Relax.
Yes it is also an action, and one of the most powerful actions. It gives you subconcious mind the energy to think for the next post.

Magical Bits


Dr. Hamid Raihan Ansari said...

ust as love increases by loving others, a smile proliferates as you pass your cute smile to others, blogs blossom by linking it to other relevant blogs. And yes, just as true love and sincere smile is the key for its perpetuation, linking follows the same rule. It requires just a click to judge the genuineness of a link. As you sow so shall you reap.

About Me

Drilling And Filling To Make The World Smile
I am Dr. Hamid Raihan. By profession I am a dentist. A deep interest in blogging aloowed me to .So