Tuesday, June 23, 2009

check 2

Mango is the most loved fruit in our family. Among the little things that gave us joy when we were children, was going to the garden and eat mangoes. I had the habit of cutting it in various shapes and admire the glory of this golden fruit.
I don't know when did I stop using this method. Probably in my university days, because who has the time to do such things in this cut throat world of academic competition. More over if you admire, you will keep admiring while it falls prey to someone else's desire. I studied all the intricacies of the full component of 32 teeth, but forgot the delicacies that used to titillate me when present between the teeth.
Now once again as my kid showed some interest in father's golden passion, I went back in the nostalgic days to revive and feel a bit of it.

new check post

Rainfall for a few hours and the flower has its friends.
I was in my clinic when I got a call from my colleague (earlier my student) asking for casual leave. Definitely something went terribly wrong. I was waiting next day to hear from her.
She wouldn't come because she developed a blue forehead and was running after dermatologists and other docs.
I asked how come.
She told she applied a diclofenac ointment on her forehead last night and suddenly next morning she got blue forehead.
The docs too got puzzled, they told they never come across a case like this before for common ointment like diclofenac. It was neither painful nor redness could be seen, no other symptoms. everything else was normal.
The doc gave some medicines, in case she develops itching redness, anaphylaxis etc she could take immediately and report, about its progress.
All the story came to an end when she went home, just to find out that she used a blue coloured cloth to cover her head and the culprit was the nothing but the blue cloth itself.

About Me

Drilling And Filling To Make The World Smile
I am Dr. Hamid Raihan. By profession I am a dentist. A deep interest in blogging aloowed me to .So